“So, I hear you have a special love for bees.” And you’re off and running. This could be the start of a unique and lasting friendship.  Even if you don’t know their particular leanings, though, the likes and dislikes list in this post will give you plenty of ideas.

311 Likes and Dislikes 

We’ve broken up this list into two to focus separately on common likes and dislikes. That said, what one person likes might repel another, and vice-versa. We’ve done our best to make the following lists as useful as they are entertaining. 

List of Likes

Some of the items could just as easily end up on the dislikes list for some people. If you bring any of the following up as conversation starters, remember to respect the other person’s opinion (even if it makes you rethink the idea of a second date). 97 Of The Best Words Of Encouragement For The Man In Your Life 67 Most Inspirational Positive Energy Quotes Of All Time 55 Positive Emotions That Make You Healthier and Happier

List of Dislikes

Some of these common dislikes might be something in which your conversation partner takes an interest. One person’s dislikes list can contain another’s buried treasure. 

What would you add to our list of likes and dislikes?

Now that you’re armed with these generous lists of likes and dislikes, which ones stood out for you the most? Which ones echoed your own leanings? And which made you think, “Wait… why is this on the likes (or dislikes) list?”  At the very least, we hope you found the list entertaining as well as useful. If it got one laugh out of you, we consider the time writing it well-spent.  May it lead to many conversations worth having. 

311 Likes And Dislikes  The Only List You ll Need  - 50