The Bandit9 Bishop Motorcycle features a hi-grade aluminum unibody, a custom-built suspension and a set of organic details that give this bike a beautiful finishing touch. There’s a walnut/oak/teak inlay on either side of the tank, and a charcoal gray suede seat that’s about as subtle as it comes.  Subtlety is central to the Bishop’s design, as there are no extraneous elements in its body design, not even a single fender. While every bike I’ve featured from Bandit9 is a special snowflake of its own, the Bandit9 Bishop Motorcycle has a special resonance with me. Low-displacement, compact bikes like these really light up my sky, and a design so minimal and refined is the icing on the cake. This is the kind of bike I’d want to ride constantly and show off to every motorcyclist I know. I’d be conflicted, though, as I’d also want to lock it in a clear glass case in my living room and never drive it. Ever. It’s as if Daryl V designed this one for both the museum and main street. Where you take it is entirely up to you. The Bandit9 Bishop Motorcycle is in production now, and 9 of them will be available soon starting at $6400 USD. I’ll have more to share when the finished models are ready to be shown.