This is art on a truly biblical scale.  Mexican artist Pedro Reyes moved to make a social statement against the dangerous drug war being waged in Mexico, specifically the city of Culiacán with it’s high fatality rate from gun fire.  The Weapons to Plowshares project, or Palas por Pistolas en Espanol, worked to gather over 1,500 firearms from the local public.  This collection of handguns and high-powered rifles were steamrolled, smelted and refined to be born again as shovels for a new life to serve the public.  These 1,500 guns became plowshares where citizens across the city, in public parks and school yards, planted 1,500 trees to match the demands of death that the weapons before them left.  This act of art is a true act of peace that everyone, regardless of religion, cannot help but admire.  In our eyes, this is art that truly matters… View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery View in gallery

Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 22Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 87Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 57Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 92Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 20Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 5Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 26Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 15Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 93Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 84Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 39Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 25Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 25Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 73Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 18Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 76Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 95Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 40Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 30Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 54Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 43Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 7Guns to Plowshares by Pedro Reyes - 98